Port Engineering Service

Repairing works of Quay Wall, Service Gallery, Rubber Panzer Belt, Cable Trenches, Rail Side Claddings, Turnover Pits, Anchoring points etc.
Container yard interlock paving, floor painting, yard numbering and marking, supply and fixing of jersey barriers, etc.
Repairing or refurbishment of reefer container plug points, electrical distribution panels, cables, etc.
Maintenance of Medium Volatage Substations, Transformers, STS Cranes Turn Over pits/Slip Ring Boxes and replacement of reeling cables.
Design Supply and Installation of UPS backup power system with backup batteries and network management cards.
Refurbishment, repair and dismantling of structures including Reefer Towers, STS/RMG/RTG Cranes. Design, Fabrication, Supply and Installation of additional metal structures according to port engineering requirements.
Design, Supply , Install and commission of Medium Voltage and Low Voltage Power factor Correction equipment comply with local and international electrical regulations.
Periodical inspections and Annual service contract for various assets, like Substations, Yards, Service gallery, paving works, High mast poles, Reefer towers, UPS, Battery banks, Street lights etc.